Agile was created for a highly flexible workplace with an openness to change and non-hierarchical types of leadership, making it the poster child for hybrid mythology. Agile encompasses a wide range of approaches, including Scrum, Kanban, and Lean. In fact, Agile is so widely embraced that a manifesto written by 17 software developers was published in February 2001.
The Agile Manifesto is built on four basic values:
- Standard procedures and instruments are less vital than communication with parties.
- Focus on creating a working application rather than comprehensive documentation.
- Increase your client collaboration.
- Instead of freezing the scope of the project, be open to change.
Although there is a non-profit named Agile Alliance that supports software development based on Agile principles, some argue that Agile is the polar opposite of a technique. "The Agile movement is not anti-methodology," said software engineer Jack Sparrow. "In fact, many of us wish to restore the word methodology's legitimacy." We aim to re-establish equilibrium. We encourage modeling, but not for the purpose of filing a schematic in a dusty corporate archive. We value documentation, but not hundreds of pages of never-updated, seldom-used tomes. We plan, yet in a volatile environment, we know the limitations of planning. Those who call supporters of XP, Scrum, or any of the other Agile Techniques "hackers" are ignorant of the methodologies as well as the original definition of the term."
Agile has become so popular and hybridized that you'll frequently hear individuals refer to it with a capital "A" and agile with a lower case "a" the latter being a looser phrase some businesses or teams use to refer to their more collaborative, less regimented approach to projects. Agile is utilized in a variety of professions, from IT to marketing, capital A to lower case a, and is commonly used in conjunction with other more organized methodologies based on project phases.
Indeed, some say that the fast-paced changing nature of technology makes strict adherence to any methodology difficult for businesses and organizations to follow, and that flexibility and hybrid working styles are more likely to be the way of the future.
Want to know more about Agile Hybrid Methodology? Sign up for a PMP Certification training course today!
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