PROJECT MANAGEMENT 101: How to track project progress

Project tracking is a project management technique for keeping track of how tasks in a project are progressing. You can compare actual progress to projected progress and uncover concerns that may prevent the project from staying on schedule and under budget by tracking it.

By evaluating project variation and tracking milestones, project managers and stakeholders may see what work has been completed, the resources that were utilized to complete those tasks, and produce an earned value analysis.

The usage of project tracking technologies and project management strategies is critical to project tracking. A Gantt chart, for example, allows managers to track project progress by giving a visual representation of tasks, workload, and milestones at each stage of the project life cycle. Other types of project reports, such as status reports, can elicit more information about deliverables, risks, and performance. This information can then be shared with the project team and other stakeholders to keep them informed.

What Is a Project Tracker?

A project tracker is a tool that allows managers to track their team's progress as they complete tasks and allocate resources. It's a necessary tool for keeping projects on track and within budget.

Project tracker templates can be used as a single source of information for tracking the progress of a project. The project team can fill in details regarding the project's development on the template, which can then be shared with the project manager and other stakeholders to show them the current status of the project.

How to Track Project Progress

Tracking your project's progress can seem difficult, but by laying out the procedure and preparing ahead, you can put yourself in the best position to succeed. Here are a few things you can do right now to get back on track:

  • Begin by creating a project outline.
  • Create deliverables and milestones
  • Set realistic, clear, and quantifiable goals
  • Keep track of time, costs, and tasks using a project tracker template or project tracking software
  • Meet regularly with team and stakeholders
  • Have clear deadlines
  • Support transparency

These recommendations are structural in nature and should be implemented in every project. They can use project tracking software or a project tracking template to provide project managers with the information they need to keep their teams on track.

It's also vital to remember the triple restriction when tracking projects (time, cost, and scope). Proper estimation and control are essential for handling these interconnected variables. To construct your project schedule, you must first estimate your costs to generate a project budget, the time it will take to complete tasks to develop a project timeline, and the project scope to establish project scope. Then, throughout the execution phase, you must keep them under control by using a project tracker to keep track of time, costs, and tasks.

Want to learn strategies to track progress reports? Undertake the PMP exam prep today!


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