7 Top-notch tips to correctly answer PMP Exam questions!

 After months of diligent PMP Exam preparation, which included taking courses and reading exam reference books, the next logical step would be to take the actual PMP Exam! Whether you are confident in your ability to pass the exam or believe you require additional exam preparation, it is always beneficial to keep in mind the following tips from many successful exams takers who have helped them pass the exam with ease:

1.       Keep in mind that the PMP Exam is a test of your stamina and psychological quality as well as your project management knowledge. The 4-hour exam period is a test of your stamina and psychological quality in addition to your project management knowledge. Never underestimate the difficulty of sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end while answering 200 questions of varying levels of difficulty (you can schedule toilet breaks of course but that would be counted towards your exam time).


2.       As a form of motivation, it is highly recommended that you book your exam date well in advance during your early exam preparation (or push).


3.       How do you know if you've prepared adequately for the exam? The solution is both difficult and simple. According to my experience (and that of many other instructors), consistently scoring above 80% on PMP Mock Exams (or 75% on more difficult ones) indicates that you will easily pass the exam. However, at least two of the mock exams should be completed in a simulated exam environment with 200 questions over a four-hour period. However, consistently scoring over 80% on mock exams is extremely difficult; many Certification holders did not score over 80% on their mock exams even once but still passed the exam.

4.       Be confident, and mentally practice passing the exam so that your body and mind can work together to achieve PMP success.

5.       Relax during the exam because stress will affect your performance and make you more likely to make careless errors.

6.       It is recommended that you visit the Prometric exam center prior to your exam date to estimate traffic time and familiarise yourself with the environment.


7.       Understand the different types of questions that will appear on the exam so that you can use the most effective strategies to answer them — while all PMP prep course and exam questions are multiple-choice, they can be broadly divided into genres that will require different types of skills.
